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For project inquiries, please fill out the following information and submit it, or feel free to contact us through the details below.
+82 2 790 5470
서울 용산구 회나무 로 13가길 45-4
45-4, Hoenamu-ro 13ga-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea
Instagram @veig.design
For project inquiries, please fill out the following information and submit it, or feel free to contact us through the details below.
+82 2 790 5470
서울 용산구 회나무 로 13가길 45-4
45-4, Hoenamu-ro 13ga-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea
Instagram @veig.design

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We'll send you selected content along with the latest news.
We'll send you selected content along with the latest news.

우리와 함께할 창의적이고 열정 가득한 분을 기다리고 있습니다. CV와 포트폴리오(20MB 이하, PDF)를 아래 이메일로 보내주세요. 서류 합격자에 한해 개별 연락드립니다.
We're always waiting for you, full of creativity and passion. Send your CV and portfolio (PDF, under 20MB) to the email below. Only selected candidates will be contacted.
We're always waiting for you, full of creativity and passion. Send your CV and portfolio (PDF, under 20MB) to the email below. Only selected candidates will be contacted.